Atlas of Childhood (at Risk) in Italy 2022 “How are you?” and StoryMap: a work, by Save the Children Italy, that investigates the condition of children in Italy, inequalities, living conditions, and growth contexts.

Every year Save the Children Italia dedicates to children and adolescents an important work such as the Atlas on Childhood (at risk). A study of the living conditions of Italian childhood elaborated from data, interviews and maps, which provides a view of the needs of children and the weaknesses of the social, educational, economic and health systems in which they grow up.
The Atlas 2022: investigation into the health of children and adolescents
Through the maps and illustrations developed by gisAction, the Atlas is a window into inequalities and their effects on health by focusing on three age groups in particular: the first thousand days, children ages 3-10, and adolescents or preadolescents ages 11-17.
As described in the preface of the work:
“Childhood in Italy today is increasingly enslaved by inequalities. Social, economic, educational, gender inequalities. But inequalities have an even deeper trace, which is almost invisible and which creeps into the body of every child that is conceived and conditions its health, development and growth. Today, healthy life expectancy averages 61 years, but going to see what the birth lottery means, it ranges from the “luckiest” children, who in the province of Bolzano will see this threshold rise to 66.6 years, to those born in Calabria, for whom this milestone stops at 55 years. Over 11 years of good health on average, making a difference. Social injustice determines the future of girls and boys. With this key, this year’s Atlas analyzes the many aspects related to childhood health in our country.”
The StoryMap, a digital edition
gisAction processed data and indicators through GIS to create maps and graphs. It also created a StoryMap – a digital storytelling tool – that makes the data easily accessible and narrates the Atlas in an interactive way.

Who we worked with

Save the Children Italia is a non-profit organization established in 1998. It is part of the Save the Children International network, one of the largest independent International Organizations.