A StoryMap to introduce the 4th Caritas Report on Poverty in Umbria “A Father in Search of His Children” in a digital and interactive way.

The Caritas Report has been presented in November 2022 and takes a look at data from 2021. Data that are the result of the work on the territory of diocesan Caritas and that tell the evolution of poverty in the regional territory: the composition by citizenship, the weight of education and age, housing condition and much more.
Needs: analyzing poverty data
The global pandemic marked the beginning of a time of great hardship for the population, particularly for individuals already marked by social and economic fragility. In 2022, the long-term effects of the pandemic continue to have a significant impact, compounded by the dramatic increase in energy and fuel costs and the disruption caused by the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine.
Caritas, for more than 50 years has been taking charge of many poverties in Italy and in the world trying to respond to the needs of the poorest. In Umbria, needs related to economic poverty and employment occupy the first positions and are followed by those related to family situation, housing condition, immigrant status, health status, level of education, prison condition, the presence of addictions and disability.
Our team supported Caritas Umbria in creating a digital tool for visualizing and consulting the data collected.

Solution: the StoryMap
The StoryMap designed for Caritas Umbria uses the potential of geographic storytelling to tell the story of the experience of the territories and the critical issues related to poverty. The data collected are visualized in maps and infographics for easier and more immediate consultation; the maps, built with GIS tools, are navigable and interactive. How many Caritas beneficiaries come from foreign countries? In what Umbrian municipality do the beneficiaries reside? And how much come from other Italian regions? These are just examples of information related to geographic elements and therefore well represented through the maps.

Who we worked with

Diocesan Caritas: The diocesan Caritas is the pastoral body with the task of animating the ecclesial communities to the sense of charity towards people and communities in a situation of difficulty and the duty to translate it into concrete interventions with promotional and preventive character where possible.