StoryMaps and informative portal for Legambiente, to present the development path of renewable sources in Italian municipalities.

gisAction has created a website and StoryMaps for Legambiente to support the “Renewable Municipalities” project. Thanks to this it was possible to disseminate examples of good energy practices implemented by public bodies or private actors. At the same time, greater visibility has been given to a need that is becoming increasingly urgent, that of accelerating the path towards the energy transition.

Needs: a platform for renewable energy

Create a platform that describes the development of the renewable energy in the Italian territory. This new tool could become a reference for public and private entities.

Promote and disseminate good practices related to the use of renewable sources.

Emphasize successful experiences in the energy transition.

Solution: website and StoryMaps

gisAction ha creato per Legambiente un sito web e delle StoryMaps a sostegno del progetto “Comuni rinnovabili"

Thanks to gisAction, a website was created to promote the Legambiente initiative.

The project also included the creation of two StoryMaps: one useful for highlighting the municipalities that have joined the Legambiente program, the other designed to “give voice” to successful public and private experiences on the path towards energy self-sufficiency.


  • Greater relevance to the project as a whole.
  • Better dissemination of national good practices.
  • Promote new adhesions of public bodies to the project.

Who we worked with

Legambiente is an Italian environmental association. Founded in 1980, it is now the best known and most widespread ecological organization in the country. The basic structure of Legambiente is made up of citizens who – through voluntary work and direct participation – become promoters of change.

A distinctive feature of Legambiente is the so-called scientific environmentalism, or the choice to base every initiative for the defense of the environment on a solid base of scientific data. The association is recognized by the Ministry of the Environment as an association of environmental interest and it is part of the European Environment Office and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It is also recognized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a development NGO.


