The challenge for the sustainability of the top 15 cities in the Umbria region

The Urban Ecosystem report is a work created by Legambiente in the 1990s and carried out in collaboration with Ambiente Italia and Il Sole 24 Ore. It is an authoritative study based on the environmental data of cities that aims to create reference indicators for the construction of rankings of the environmental performance of municipalities. Legambiente defines it as a “thermometer of sustainability”, precisely because the tool is designed to measure the effectiveness of the actions of the Public Administration for the improvement of what is identified, in fact, as “urban ecosystem”. The national survey is conducted with questionnaires and interviews addressed to the 105 municipalities of provincial capitals and produces a work of great value for the administrations of the whole Italian territory.
In the wake of what has been carried out at the national level, Legambiente Umbria has decided to decline in a regional report Ecosistema Urbano involving the main cities of the Umbria Region, which are the 15 municipalities with a population over 15,000 inhabitants. For the second consecutive year, Legambiente Umbria has decided to entrust gisAction with the development of an interactive digital platform to facilitate the use and dissemination of the report’s data.
You can view last year’s work here: Urban Ecosistem 2021

Application innovations
Compared with the product configured in 2022, the following innovations have been introduced:
- Introduction of an analysis based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Introduction of data history for each municipality, with the years 2020, 2021, 2022;
- Stylistic update of the theme in the initial map and introduction of the theme in the ranking of municipalities: green-red scale where green is the most virtuous and red Least;
- Introduction of a new air quality indicator: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2);