Goal 14 for 2030 Agenda: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

The oceans, seas and marine resources are regulators of many aspects of our daily lives: weather, climate, carbon dioxide levels and more. The health of the planet’s waters ensures marine biodiversity, access to food for billions of people and the sustainability of the fishing economy.
In recent years, the balance of the seas and oceans has been challenged by increased unsustainable and illegal fishing, habitat pollution and the consequences of climate change.
The 2030 Agenda identifies key targets to ensure that the world’s oceans, seas and marine resources are preserved. These include Target 14.5, through which we should preserve at least 10% of coastal and marine areas, in accordance with national and international law and based on the most accurate scientific information available.
Where are we at with SDG 14?
Explore the SDG Map LIFE UNDER WATER to analyze global results. The map shows the percentage coverage of protected areas compared to marine areas (Exclusive Economic Zones).
Contribute to achieving the fourteenth goal for sustainable development
You can also contribute to achieving the fourteenth goal by respecting the protected marine areas