Atlas of Childhood (at risk) in Italy 2023: Digital Time

Atlas of Childhood at Risk 2023

Every year, Save the Children Italy dedicates significant work to girls, boys, and adolescents, such as the Atlas on Childhood at risk 2023. Developed from data, interviews, and maps, it provides a snapshot of the “risks to which children and adolescents are exposed today, as the digital world was not imagined and built with them in mind.”

The Atlas 2023: lights and shadows of the new digital era

This edition of the Atlas focuses on the state of digitization in Italy among minors. Through the use of data from authoritative sources, a thorough analysis has been conducted on various aspects of the digital world and how it impacts the lives of the youngest.

From the use of the internet and digital tools to exposure to screens and technologies from early childhood, addressing sensitive issues such as cyberbullying, this Atlas shows how the youngest are extremely vulnerable to the digital world.

The StoryMap of the Atlas

In addition to processing data and indicators in a GIS environment for the creation of maps and graphs, gisAction has created a StoryMap – a tool for digital storytelling – that makes data easily accessible and tells the Atlas interactively.

Who we worked with

AHT group

Save the Children Italia is a non-profit organization established in 1998. It is part of the Save the Children International network, one of the largest independent International Organizations.

In Italy Save the Children operates in the following areas: fight against educational poverty, health, response to emergencies, protection from abuse and exploitation, fight against poverty and food security, strengthening of the systems of protection of the rights and participation of minors, support to unaccompanied migrant minors present on the Italian territory.

Save the Children’s main campaigns are concerned with poverty reduction, reducing child mortality and defending the poorest children, such as migrants and refugees, or those most excluded and marginalized, such as people with disabilities, girls or ethnic and religious minorities. It is also very committed to promoting policies that protect the rights of children and adolescents.


