Maps for a better understanding of the phenomena of migration from the health point of view.

Customer needs: generate a powerful communication programs using geographical tools

The OIS Association had the necessity to generate a publication with the aim of communicating its program, treat the phenomenon of migration from the point of view of health, contributing to the improvement of the health and psycho-physical conditions of migrants arriving or permanently living in our country. A particular attention is given to women and minors. A priority fact is also the promotion on the territory the development, diffusion and exchange of innovative intervention models and tools.
Using maps, OIS intended to include in the publication data related to migrations, countries of origin and hospitality in Italy. The geographical communication is certainly useful for a better understanding of the diffusion and distribution of various phenomena, with the aim of analyzing the needs related to the dignified insertion of anyone who lives in Italy.

Solution: maps and graphs for a better understanding of data

gisAction has created maps and graphs for the visualization of the data provided by OIS. These sources intersperse the texts and increase readers’ understanding of the data.


  • Improvement of data interpretation
  • Analysis of phenomena on the Italian territory

The project started from the desire to enrich a publication with new methods of data analysis and visualization. The geographic maps, in fact, allow to better understand the distribution of phenomena and the territorial differences, compared to tabular data.

Project realized for OIS – International Observatory for Health Onlus

Maps for a better understanding of the phenomena of migration from the health point of view

OIS is a non-profit association dedicated to the daily well-being of Italian and foreign citizens to promote a correct lifestyle, with attention to the socio-cultural changes taking place.

The activities are substantiated in a program called Frontier Health which deals with the structural phenomenon of migration. The association underlines that Europe is often unprepared for the management of the phenomenon and for the provision of social services and health services appropriate to the presence of worlds, cultures , believe and different local contexts.

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  • Dissemination, communication and promotion
