Torino BeBi is an application, inspired by Save the Children’s Atlas of Childhood at Risk, that allows users to view, directly on a map, all the information on services and opportunities for children, present in the territory of Turin.
The application was created, thanks to ArcGIS Online, by GisAction, TeamDEV’s brand, in collaboration with Save the Children, the Compagnia di San Paolo and the City of Turin.
The map collects more than 918 points of specific interest for children aged 0 to 5 years, divided into 31 different types of offerings (municipal, private, affiliated or corporate daycare centers, baby parking, municipal, state-run, subsidized or affiliated preschools, primary pediatricians and pediatric or family counseling centers, locations and centers for vaccinations or child neuropsychiatric services, libraries, museums and theaters, playgrounds, play areas and sports facilities, etc.).
The presence and distribution throughout the territory of primary services, such as education, social services and health, as well as culture and leisure aimed at children under the age of six, are a fundamental component of a city’s urban quality. A tool like Torino BeBi, which is available free online and can be consulted on various devices, is therefore a key strategic resource for planning and monitoring services.

Torino Bebi: room for improvement
Turin BeBi returns the image of a city that, in the Italian panorama, offers numerous opportunities for young children. A city that is articulated within itself, with multiple centers and suburbs and a level of supply that in general seems to adapt to the distribution of children 0-5 on the territory.
Torino BeBi has room for improvement: in order to obtain a more accurate analysis of the territories on the fringes and of the city as a whole, it would be necessary, for example, to extend data collection to the entire metropolitan area, examining the levels of associative supply and introducing, when possible, qualitative indicators and on the accessibility of services.
Torino BeBi is not a point of arrival; if anything, it is a starting point for new insights and research. It is an updatable and refineable working tool that can help keep an eye on the city’s inherently dynamic environment and redefine the network of services and opportunities in light of changing needs.

Torino Bebi: Focus areas of play