gisAction has designed a workflow to support field census activities based on GIS tools.
A StoryMap for GRAB: A mobility project of the city of Rome
Mari Minascurta2024-08-28T12:33:43+02:00gisAction created a StoryMap in support of the GRAB, thanks to which it was possible to share the entire project online and to ensure the interaction.
![SOdA - App di crowdsourcing per popolare la mappa collaborativa](
SOdA – Crowdsourcing application to create and update a collaborative map
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T11:24:21+02:00SOdA was conceived as a free and collaborative map of initiatives, arriving from citizens, that take care of the well-being of the city and the people.
![Fuori classe movimento di scuole contro la dispersione scolastica](
Storymap “Outstanding in motion” for Save the Children Italia
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T10:22:19+02:00StoryMap “Outstanding in motion” for Save the Children Italia
Torino BeBi: an app for childhood
Teamdev srl2024-08-28T11:55:17+02:00Torino BeBi is an application, inspired by Save [...]