Goal 9: Build a resilient infrastructure and promote innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialization

In many developing countries, basic infrastructure such as roads, information and communication technologies, sanitation, electricity and water are still inadequate. Not only that, an estimated 2.6 billion people in developing countries face impediments to continued access to electricity, 2.5 billion people worldwide lack access to sanitation, and nearly 800 million people, many hundreds of millions of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, lack access to water (source United Nation).
SDG 9 aims to achieve sustainable and quality infrastructures for all, to further a new business model that respects the principles of sustainability and adopts clean industrial technologies and processes. Ather goals are to promote innovation and the achievement of equal access to information, especially through the Internet.
An important aspiration for this goal is to improve scientific research, particularly in developing countries (Target 9.5).
Where are we at?
Explore the SDG Map BUSINESS, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE. It shows the expenses in research and development.
Contribute to achieving the ninth goal for sustainable development
What can the role of businesses be? Companies must promote industrial processes that do not impact the environment and support innovation and research in their field. What can we all do? Support and promote projects that create quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure.