An Atlas dedicated to migrant minors who arrive alone in our country, on their way to integration.
The Atlas of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors in Italy is a Save the Children Italy project that sees a renewed collaboration with gisAction. In fact, as for the Atlas of Childhood at Risk, gisAction has supported the construction of the Atlas with the creation of maps, graphs and infographics.
Needs: tell the journey
For the past two years Save the Children Italia has been producing a specific Atlas on migrant minors who arrive alone in Italy.
This publication focuses in particular on the second part of the journey of minors, the one undertaken once they arrive in Europe and, in particular, in Italy. A journey marked by obstacles and risks, no less insidious than those faced during the crossing.
The Atlas contains a multiplicity of data and indicators that Save the Children Italia wishes to present in a communicative way through maps, infographics and graphs.
The need, therefore, is to show the journey, the condition and the integration of minors in Italy and Europe. A focus on the conditions of a very vulnerable group of children, those who leave their country and face a long and risky journey, without parents and relatives, to get to Europe.
Solution: the Atlas

Map of the main Unaccompanied Foreign Minors citizenships arriving in Italy by sea. The top three countries by origin of minors in 2017 were three West African countries: Guinea, Ivory Coast and Gambia.

Map of survey locations and number of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors arriving in Italy by sea.

Map of the distribution of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors present and surveyed by region of reception. The map shows the absolute value and the percentage of the total.
Maps, graphs and infographics make possible to communicate clearly to a wide audience the origin and condition of unaccompanied migrant minors; they make possible to highlight territorial differences in reception and distribution.
Who we worked with
Save the Children Italia is a non-profit organization established in 1998. It is part of the Save the Children International network, one of the largest independent International Organizations.