Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

According to the latest updates, there are more than 200 million people without a source of income worldwide, mainly young people. Jobs and economic growth make a decisive contribution to eradicating poverty. A sufficient number of decent jobs, including the respect for human rights and the limits of our planet, are of crucial importance both for developing countries and for emerging and industrialized countries.
One of the goals identified to achieve this multi-dimensional goal is by 2030, to substantially reduce the percentage of unemployed young people. The way to this goal is certainly through education or training, by focusing on economic growth, increasing productivity and creating decent jobs.
Where are we at?
Explore the SDG Map DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH to analyze global results. The map shows the percentage of young people between 15 and 24 years old who do not work and do not study.
Contribute to achive the eighth goal for sustainable development
Each of us could contribute to achieving the eighth goal of sustainable development by promoting safe and sustainable work environments.