The online challenge of gisAction is completely free and available for Schools, Public Administration, organizations, and associations.

The new project of gisAction is called SDGame, a game focused on the well-known SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the 17 challenges, and goals for sustainable development set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

The challenge is configured with scores: each participant indicates his geographical location and by playing he contributes to the total score of his territory and its positions in the general ranking. A free game without reward developed in three versions: for the Umbria region, for the national level, and the international one.

A game for Sustainability

SDGame is available and free for public administrations, organizations, and associations to support training paths and active inclusiveness for the citizens of today and tomorrow. The SDGame, moreover, is thought for schools, as a tool for teaching classes of civic education, to spread among students the knowledge on the needs and the challenges faced by our Earth.

Geographical tools for the SDGs

The project is inspired by the “GOGoals” table game – realized by the United Nations Information Centres (UNRIC) – and reproduces the same set of questions with an additional interactive question for each objective, which leads to the exploration of the data displayed on the map and that represents gisAction’s digital and geographical competencies and contributions. The exploration of the data on maps reflects the identity of gisAction, which deals with the implementation of digital solutions for the actors of sustainable development and is active in promoting the use of geographical tools, such as GIS (Geographic Information System), to respond to the real challenges faced by the sustainability.

SDGame is part of a set of initiatives and tools developed by gisAction to raise awareness about the importance of geographic technologies in the action program for sustainability: without tools for the analysis of geospatial data would be even more complex to provide an accurate picture of the state of affairs and, above all, would be less effective in defining an incisive strategy.
