The client GAL Media Valle del Tevere is a Local Action Group officially created on September 14th 1994. It is an Association, aimed at promoting the local development of the area relating to the middle course of the Tiber River.
It operates in 13 municipalities of the Perugia Province and in 2 of Terni.
The shareholder structure of the Association consists of 22 members, 16 of which are public and 6 are private.
The public part is represented by the Province of Perugia and the 15 municipalities of the territory in which the GAL operates. The private part includes various representatives of the business and social sphere of the territory. Concretely, the action of the Media Valle del Tevere Association is based on supporting local communities through initiatives to enhance the economic and social development of the territories according to the principles of the sustainability.
The GAL aims to empower, foster and encourage the rural development of the territories, of the resident populations in order to improve the conditions of the quality of life and the environment. The purposes are mainly attributable to the implementation of the LEADER Community Initiatives, community programs and programmed negotiation.
LEADER, from the French acronym “Liaison entre actions de développement de l’économie rurale” (Link between actions aimed at the development of rural economies) is since 1989 the most important and innovative instrument of the community policies for the integrated and sustainable local development of the rural territories.
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