Atlas of Childhood and StoryMap: Save the Children’s 2019 “Children’s Time” edition provides an overview of the changes taking place in our country
In its 10th edition, Save the Children’s Atlas of Childhood rewinds the thread of time. A new time, the description of youth mobilization with regard to environmental issues. A lost time, highlighting missed opportunities to try to improve children’s living conditions. Finally, a time rediscovered, which gives space to the many initiatives launched by the educating community and associations in our country.
Needs: translating data to tell the story of childhood in Italy
The Atlas tells the story of children of Italy, making extensive use of the data and evidence produced by statistical and social research. This makes it possible to have an overall view of the many Italies of boys and girls, to carry out comparisons and territorial zooms to identify priorities, resources and problems.
The 2019 edition is born with a selection of data, integrates them with other tools capable of giving voice to the children themselves, and translates them with the aim of disseminating and making accessible this body of information to a wider audience.
Solution: Atlas and StoryMap
gisAction has elaborated data and indicators in GIS to realize maps and graphs that describe in an evident way the territorial differences. Using specific GIS tools, various types of comparison analyses have been carried out on the data, which give back a new and complete vision of the phenomena that we want to investigate.
Georeferencing allows us to go beyond the average data, thus facilitating reflection on inequalities and identifying priority areas for intervention.
Infographics are another product made from data: the communicativeness of these representations, the simplicity of distribution and the intuitive design greatly simplify the processes of communicating information.
Below are some examples of maps:

The map photographs the Fridays for Future movements active in Italy.

The map shows the extreme events recorded in Italy between 2010 and 2018.

Buildings surveyed by the School Building Registry without a certificate of occupancy of the total by region.

Youth not employed or in education or training.

The map shows the percentage of young people who make a habit of reading books in their free time.
Maps, charts and infographics allow to clearly communicate a data or phenomenon to a wide audience. Reading a map is easier and more immediate than understanding data displayed in a table. This type of graphic support makes it pleasant to present a variety of information.
The GIS software with which the maps are created also allows to cross-reference data sets to obtain new information useful for the analysis of a phenomenon.

gisAction has designed the StoryMap to disseminate on the web an extract of the contents, texts, maps and images of the Atlas.
The StoryMap allows to integrate to the texts all the multimedia contents that help to describe phenomena and reality: images, videos and maps. The maps can be interrogated and navigated to learn about the details of the data. The videos that intersperse the texts provide concrete evidence of the work of the Organization and the realities in which it works.
Open Data Atlas of Childhood at risk – Save the Children Italia
We have created a web portal to share and make usable the processed data in the form of Open Data. All data from the Atlante dell’Infanzia a Rischio are published on the ArcGIS Hub Open Data where, each year, Save the Children makes available to practitioners and the general public the data, elaborations and maps produced in reference to the Atlas theme. Through the ArcGIS Hub portal, geographic datasets can be publicly viewed, downloaded in different formats for reuse, or integrated directly into one’s own maps via ArcGIS Online or via API if using other GIS systems.
2019 Edition Atlas of Childhood at risk
Who we worked with
Save the Children Italia is a non-profit organization established in 1998. It is part of the Save the Children International network, one of the largest independent International Organizations.