The Global Compact Leaders Summit will take place on June 15 and 16. Two days of virtual marathon to discuss the results reached in the path towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the 2030 Agenda. Furthermore it will discuss future plans for the transition to a world oriented to sustainability, inclusiveness, collaboration and equity. Protagonists more than 2000 representatives of governments, businesses, international organizations and civil society, which together will create the most important international event on the construction of a better world.

2030 Agenda Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program of the United Nations adopted since 2015. Through it, UN Member Countries have identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030 in order to lay the foundations for a new world that stands for environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Our work for SDGs

Government actions need to be supported by the commitment and good practices of every component of society: private companies, organizations, institutions.

For this reason, gisAction is committed to supporting the actors of Sustainable Development by innovating and making workflows more effective, activating the power of spatial data and spatial relationships.

We play also an active role, our contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is currently focused on spreading a solid awareness about the challenges we are facing. In this context, we ideated the SDGs Mapping project, an initiative that involves the use of GIS to map some key indicators, one per goal using data from the SDG Data Hub portal of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

Il Global Compact è un network internazionale impegnato nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Global Compact Network

gisAction, through its central division TeamDev, has been a member of the international network of the United Nation Global Compact since 2019. Therefore, every year TeamDev presents a report – Communication on Progress (COP) – through which monitors and shows the progresses in the implementation of the Ten Principles on Human Rights, Labor, Environment, Anti-corruption.
