“Who had left his good mark on earth, had not lived his life pursuing his own happiness. He considered it too small. He saw it, sometimes, but did not stop to pick it up. He preferred to keep walking behind a voice. At the end of the race there won’t be any accumulated happiness, but if something remains, there will be things much more real and serious. We are much more than our happiness.

Luigino Bruni

gisAction, our solution for Sustainable Development Actors

Who We Are

gisAction, a brand of TeamDev, was founded in 2010 to enhance a particular form of Action, belonging to the civil economy, by using the geographical approach.

The civil economy as a model is based on some important principles: reciprocity, gratuity and solidarity that are beyond the supremacy of profit or mere instrumental exchange in economic and financial activity.

GisAction is part of the international network of the United Nations Global Compact, the most important global initiative for the development of a sustainable economy. Starting from January 2019 TeamDev shares its principles and combines them with its own corporate values: for this reason, every year it publishes a report through which it communicates to stakeholders the progress in the implementation of the Ten Principles about Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption .

What We Do

Some of our customers

Become our client

Our solutions allow NGOs, at local, national and international scales, local and national governments, businesses,  and all the stakeholders involved in international cooperation and sustainable development to save costs, increase efficiency and enhance communication.

  • NGOs – Non-governmental organizations

  • Global organizations

  • Consulting companies

  • Governmental Cooperation Agencies
