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Mari Minascurta2024-09-06T12:19:57+02:00Design and implementation of a multilingual storymap for the dissemination of information on border healthcare
National Climate City Observatory
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T12:10:45+02:00Realization of Web GIS app and website to Legambiente Onlus
30 years in Asia
Mari Minascurta2024-09-03T12:07:01+02:00Co-participated design of the Storymap realized by gisAction and ASIA NGO, and geo referencing the of target locations where ASIA carried out its activities
Hot Spot Analysis
Conservation & Environment, Dissemination, GIS & mapping, Measurement of results, Workflow innovation
Mari Minascurta2024-09-18T10:11:21+02:00
Technical support and GIS analysis of spatial data for ARPA Umbria

Monitoring Information System in eSwatini and Mozambique
Dissemination, GIS & mapping, MEAALS & International Cooperation, Measurement of results, Monitoring Information System, Workflow innovation
Mari Minascurta2024-08-09T12:08:19+02:00
gisAction solution to support the cooperation project is an innovative Monitoring and Evaluation system, the Monitoring Information System.

Atlas of Childhood at Risk, Save the Children Italia
Mari Minascurta2024-08-27T11:42:20+02:00Maps, graphs and infographics for Save the Children Italy. All data and maps collected were organized as open data and made available to all.
Torino BeBi: an app for childhood
Teamdev srl2024-08-28T11:55:17+02:00Torino BeBi is an application, inspired by Save [...]