A StoryMap to collect and make available documents, texts and work materials of one of the most important Italian scientists of the second half of the twentieth century, Antonio Cederna

“Way back to Lampedusa” – the migration story of Mahamed Aman
Mari Minascurta2024-09-16T11:17:45+02:00Use StoryMap to maintain the authenticity of migrants’ stories

Storymap “Outstanding in motion” for Save the Children Italia
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T10:22:19+02:00StoryMap “Outstanding in motion” for Save the Children Italia
GIS assistance for public entities
Mari Minascurta2024-09-16T10:49:17+02:00gisAction made available to public entities and NGO’s its staff’s experience in creation and maintenance of GIS systems.

The update of the Project on the Sewage and Purifying System
Mari Minascurta2024-08-06T12:16:48+02:00Implementation of a geographic database containing all the information on the sewage and purification system, the discharges of productive activities and the pressures produced in the territory.

A landmark in the landscape – Atlas of monumental and remarkable fruit trees
Mari Minascurta2024-09-18T10:45:17+02:00gisAction proposed the Story map as a tool for disseminating information on the presence of significant and monumental fruit trees in Umbria.

The use of storymaps in journalism | Training course
Mari Minascurta2024-09-11T11:58:21+02:00Training course on the use of story maps in journalism that took place in Turin at the Circolo della Stampa
National Climate City Observatory
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T12:10:45+02:00Realization of Web GIS app and website to Legambiente Onlus
30 years in Asia
Mari Minascurta2024-09-03T12:07:01+02:00Co-participated design of the Storymap realized by gisAction and ASIA NGO, and geo referencing the of target locations where ASIA carried out its activities
Hot Spot Analysis
Technical support and GIS analysis of spatial data for ARPA Umbria

Monitoring Information System in eSwatini and Mozambique
gisAction solution to support the cooperation project is an innovative Monitoring and Evaluation system, the Monitoring Information System.
GIS consulting for the census in Albania
Mari Minascurta2024-08-27T10:50:35+02:00In 2011 the census of Albanian population was the first large statistical operation conducted in the country, with an extensive use of geospatial tools in all the phases: pre-enumeration, enumeration, and post-enumeration.