gisAction has designed a workflow to support field census activities based on GIS tools.

Innovating with data: the web app for Ecosistema Urbano
Diego Mazzocchini2024-08-27T12:21:03+02:00Development of a web app to visualize the data of the Ecosistema Urbano report of Legambiente Umbria
GIS to innovate Albania Census
Mari Minascurta2024-07-30T11:23:41+02:00The National Institute of Statistics of Albania (INSTAT) has introduced GIS technology into its population and housing census program with the support of gisAction

Wind Parks: a map of Wind Parks in Italy and around the world
Diego Mazzocchini2024-09-16T12:06:36+02:00The “Wind Parks” website is the world’s first guide to wind tourism

Geospatial technologies for the Generations and Gender Survey of Moldova
Diego Mazzocchini2024-08-28T10:25:01+02:00gisAction supporting the path of technological innovation of the statistical system of the Republic of Moldova

A StoryMap for GRAB: A mobility project of the city of Rome
Mari Minascurta2024-08-28T12:33:43+02:00gisAction created a StoryMap in support of the GRAB, thanks to which it was possible to share the entire project online and to ensure the interaction.

StoryMap for Rural development and Food Security in Mali
Diego Mazzocchini2024-08-27T12:01:55+02:00gisAction has been involved in the MLI/021 project by designing and implementing a StoryMap to support the initiative of rural development and food security in Mali.

Platform for the conservation and valorization of forest genetic resources
Diego Mazzocchini2024-09-16T12:47:34+02:00Technological platform to support the monitoring and the actions of safeguard and enhancement of forest genetic resources of Umbria Region.

Platform for data sharing, visualization and collaboration built for the Province of Perugia
Diego Mazzocchini2024-08-28T10:51:23+02:00Geographical data sharing system and tools for the visualization of PTCP (Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan) datasets.

SOdA – Crowdsourcing application to create and update a collaborative map
Mari Minascurta2024-08-30T11:24:21+02:00SOdA was conceived as a free and collaborative map of initiatives, arriving from citizens, that take care of the well-being of the city and the people.
Map of the filmography on immigration in Italy
Mari Minascurta2024-09-16T12:36:11+02:00A StoryMap that offers an overview of over two hundred film titles shot throughout Italy starting from the early nineties

The economic impact of the Coronavirus on educational poverty
Mari Minascurta2024-09-16T11:32:37+02:00GIS to identify the italian provinces where the economic impact on minors, teenagers and their families have been more significant, due to the pandemic and the forced closure of productive activities.